Sell Your Classic Jaguar SS90
The Jaguar SS90 was one of the first of the brand to have an open two-seater cab. This sports car was released in March 1935. The SS90 earned its title for allegedly reaching a top speed of 90 mph, a true breakthrough at the time. Using a six-cylinder, side-valve standard engine, the SS90 was a highly coveted vehicle. After gaining attention for the sleek, luxurious look, the model strove to reach its full potential on and off the road.
The models previous to the SS90 were SSI and SSII, and their production was crucial to the economy, seeing as it was still climbing out of the depression. Making such a sensational vehicle available to consumers helped boost economy and morality. While the vehicles are used for transportation, the meaning behind their production was festive if anything.
The SS90 is a gorgeous model and a reminder from Jaguar that these classic cars are meant to boost your mood. With a flashy exterior and a smooth interior, the vehicles are meant to start conversations.